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Gardens 2024

Scarlet Betony, Texas Betony, Scarlet Hedgenettle

Scarlet Betony, Texas Betony, Scarlet Hedgenettle

Stachys coccinea Perennial - Mint Family Lovely plant for the garden and will not take over as most mints do.



Asclepias tuberosa Perennial - Milkweed Family Beautiful native for the garden. Easy to grow from seed

Fall Aster

Fall Aster

Symphyotrichum oblongifolium Perennial - Aster Family Easy to grow and will put on a great fall show.

Gregg's Mistflower

Gregg's Mistflower

Conoclinium greggii Perennial - Aster Family Conoclinium coelestinum or Wild Ageratum is another mistflower. Both varieties can become agressive in the garden setting.

Gray-headed Coneflower, Pinnate Prairie Coneflower

Gray-headed Coneflower, Pinnate Prairie Coneflower

Ratibida pinnata Perennial - Aster Family Beautiful, tall native coneflower that does well in the garden. Reseeds in the right conditions.

Herbstonne or Autumn Sun, Green Eyed Coneflower

Herbstonne or Autumn Sun, Green Eyed Coneflower

Culitvar - Asteraceae A very reliable clump forming perennial with dark green deeply cut foliage at the base. The green-eyed coneflowers bloom on 4-6' sturdy stems all summer long. Dead head flowers for blooms well into fall. Disease and pest resistant.

Texas Frogfruit, Turkey Tangle Fogfruit, Frogfruit

Texas Frogfruit, Turkey Tangle Fogfruit, Frogfruit

Phyla nodiflora Perennial - Verbena Family Excellent ground cover, in a container or rock garden. Spreads vigorously. Easily propagated by cuttings. Larval host for Phaon Crescentspot, Buckeye, and White Peacock butterflies.

4356568Chocolate Daisy, Lyreleaf Greeneyes

4356568Chocolate Daisy, Lyreleaf Greeneyes

Berlandiera lyrata Perennial - Aster Family Beautiful perennial flower for our area. Native to the dry, rocky limestone soils in the Texas panhandle. Needs well-drained sandy loam soil. Seeds adnd plants are commercially available.

Blue Sea Holly

Blue Sea Holly

Eryngium planum Perennial - Carrot Family This is a stunning flower in the garden and comes back each year. It will reseed but has not gotten out of control in our gardens. Leavenworth's Eryngo/False Purple Thistle is the Texas native.

Mealy Blue Sage, Mealy Sage, Mealycup Sage

Mealy Blue Sage, Mealy Sage, Mealycup Sage

Salvia farinacea Perennial - Mint Family Reliable native plant that is beautiful in the garden. Easy to shape if you like a more tailored look. Will reseed and pop up in other places, Very easy to transplant and/or divide. Commercially available.

Maximilian Sunflower

Maximilian Sunflower

Helianthus maximiliani Perennial - Aster Family This is the ultimate fall blooming native flowering plant. Works great in the garden, but will need sturdy support. Seeds and roots are available commercially.

Spotted Beebalm

Spotted Beebalm

Monarda punctata Perennial - Mint Family This delightful wildflower does well in the garden. Don't be surprised to find it roaming in other places. It's easy to transplant when young.

Stiff Greenthread, Greenthread

Stiff Greenthread, Greenthread

Thelesperma filifolium Annual - Aster Family One of the most fascinating wildflowers. They grow in all soil types here and colonize on the most trampled trail at our place. Easy to grow from seed all you need is a packet and you will have more than you need for years to come. Seeds are commerically available.

Awnless Bush Sunflower, Bush Sunflower

Awnless Bush Sunflower, Bush Sunflower

Simsia calva Perennial - Aster Family Outstanding flower for the landscape or natural setting. Very easy to grow from seed and will bloom well into fall. They will naturalize over your property. One of the best during droughts. Great for all pollinators.

Purple Prairie Verbena

Purple Prairie Verbena

Glandularia bipinnatifida Annual, Perennial - Verbena Family Beautiful plant and flower. Mostly trailing on our land. Works very well in the landscape setting and acts as a perennial for us when it gets more care. On the prairie it is an annual. Easy to tranplant.

Engelmann's Daisy

Engelmann's Daisy

Engelmannia peristenia Perennial - Aster Family A cheerful wildflower for the landscape with beautiful leaves. Might be hard to transplant because of the tap root. Very easy to grow from seed. Plants and seeds are commercially available.

Western Ironweed

Western Ironweed

Vernonia baldwinii Perennial - Aster Family This plant is a volunteer in our landscape. Grows tall fast and blooms in summer. Seeds are commercially available.

Horseherb, Straggler Daisy

Horseherb, Straggler Daisy

Calyptocarpus vialis Perennial - Aster Family Very popular native ground cover for dappled shady areas. This wonderful ground cover is natuarlizing under our oak trees at a rapid pace. Very easy to transplant. Plants are commercially available.

Pincushion Daisy

Pincushion Daisy

Gaillardia suavis Perennial - Aster Family This was a vacant lot resuce 6 years ago and they are doing well in the garden. They lasted through the recent droughts and extreme heat. Readly reseeds. The link takes you to more information and a reliable seed source. Plants and seeds are commercially available.

Lanceleaf Blanketflower, Prairie Gaillardia

Lanceleaf Blanketflower, Prairie Gaillardia

Gaillardia aestivalis Perennial - Aster Family Seed sources are plentiful online. The plants in the photo were rescued from the roadside. They did not come back after the 2022 drought and heat. We reseeded this garden with the saved seeds. Seed and plants are commercially available. Some plants are available online in yellow and purple varieties.

Texas Bluebell, Prairie Gentian

Texas Bluebell, Prairie Gentian

Eustoma exaltatum Perennial, Annual, Biennial - Gentian Family Super native plant that works well in the garden setting. Most native plant nurseries and HEB grocery stores will carry this later in the spring. Seeds are available online.

Sanguine Purple Coneflower

Sanguine Purple Coneflower

Echinacea sanguinea Perennial - Aster Family This one needs excellent drainage. Seeds are easy to find online while the plants are harder to find. Try the variety Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea pallida) for the same drooping petals trait.

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