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Summer 2024

The common and botanical names are listed for your research. Each plant is linked to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center website or the retailer where we made our purchases. Visit our Native Resources page for local nurseries that sell native seeds and plants.  



Asclepias tuberosa Perennial - Milkweed Family Great milkweed for the garden/landscape. Easy to grow from seed. Blooms on and off all summer into fall. Click the link for some interesting information.

Awnless Bush Sunflower

Awnless Bush Sunflower

Simsia calva Perennial - Aster Family One of the best all-around native flowering plants for Texas. Easy to grow from a few seeds and will naturalize in a short time. Perfect and mannerly in the garden.

Big Bluestem, Tall Bluestem, Turkeyfoot

Big Bluestem, Tall Bluestem, Turkeyfoot

Andropogon gerardii Perennial - Grass Family A tall, stately prairie grass with beautiful fall color and an interesting seedhead.

Pasture Heliotrope, White Heliotrope

Pasture Heliotrope, White Heliotrope

Heliotropium tenellum Annual - Borage Family Beautiful annual growing in very dry limestone gravel. Tiny white flowers with bluegreen leaves.

Scribner's Rosette Grass

Scribner's Rosette Grass

Dichanthelium oligosanthes Perennial - Grass Family This lovely grass seems to like dappled shade and full sun. Does best in full sun with regular water. Click the link for more information.

Stiff Greenthread

Stiff Greenthread

Thelesperma filifolium Annual - Aster Family We transplanted some of these to the landscape and they are doing well. Still blooming on the prairie too.

Velvetleaf Gaura or Lizard-tail Gaura

Velvetleaf Gaura or Lizard-tail Gaura

Oenothera curtiflora Annual - Evening Primrose Family This wildflower has lovely velvety leaves and tall spikes of tiny flowers. Hummingbirds love this plant. Not tried in the garden.

Rock Rose

Rock Rose

Pavonia lasiopetala Perennial - Mallow Family Wonderful plant for the native landscape. We haven't tried it in the garden. Readily reseeds, so you will be sharing seeds and plants.

Late Boneset

Late Boneset

Eupatorium serotinum Perennial - Aster Family This bonset variety is great for the pollinator garden. Blooms late summer into fall.

Curlycup Gumweed

Curlycup Gumweed

Grindelia squarrosa Perennial - Aster Family Short-lived perennial which may be an annual or biennial depending on growing conditions.

Prairie Flameleaf Sumac

Prairie Flameleaf Sumac

Rhus lanceolata Perennial - Sumac Family This native is beautiful on the prairie or in a natural landscape setting. It's fast growing and forms a thicket which you will have to control. Beautiful fall color.

Little Bluestem

Little Bluestem

Schizachyrium scoparium Perennial - Grass Family This is a beautiful native grass and a great choice as a specimen grass for the landscape.

Texas Sage

Texas Sage

Carex texensis Perennial - Sedge Family This sedge is a good turf substitute for dry to moist shade. It will colonize by rhizomes. Will take some foot traffic. No mowing needed.

Inland Sea Oats

Inland Sea Oats

Chasmanthium latifolium Perennial - Grass Family Low-maintenance ornamental grass. It does best in the shade.

Blue Mist Flower

Blue Mist Flower

Conoclinium coelestinum Perennial - Aster Family One of the best flowers for butterflies. It will spread quickly in the garden, but it's easily controlled.

White Rosinweed

White Rosinweed

Silphium albiflorum Perennial - Aster Family One of the most fascinating wildflowers. Slow growing. Often missed on the prairie until it blooms.

American Beautyberry

American Beautyberry

Callicarpa americana Perennial - Verbena Family A great garden specimen plant. Beautiful tiny pale pink flowers are followed by mulberry colored berries in the fall.

Prairie Verbena

Prairie Verbena

Glandularia bipinnatifida Perennial - Verbena Family This flower is still blooming on the prairie because of the longer rainy season and cooler summer. Does very well in the garden or containers.

Red Indian Blanket

Red Indian Blanket

Gaillardia amblyodon Annual - Aster Family Nursery trade name is Red Mesa.

Texas Bluebells

Texas Bluebells

Eustoma exaltatum Annual - Gentain Family Usually an annual but might return in the garden setting as a short-lived perennial.

Texas Sage

Texas Sage

Leucophyllum frutescens Perennial - Figwort Family Nursery trade name is Silverado Sage. Great plant for natural landscape.

Longleaf Buckwheat

Longleaf Buckwheat

Eriogonum longifolium Perennial - Buckwheat Family

Black-eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan

Rudbeckia hirta Aster Family May be an annual, biennial or short-lived perennial. These come each spring as annuals in heavy clay soil.

Spotted Beebalm

Spotted Beebalm

Monarda punctata Perennial - Mint Family This is a perennial in our gardens and has popped up in wilder areas as an annual.

Green Comet Milkweed

Green Comet Milkweed

Asclepias viridiflora Milkweed Family These appear in a sandy limestone gravel area during wetter springs. The smallest pollinators love the flowers. One for the trial garden.

Standing Cypress

Standing Cypress

Ipomopsis rubra Phlox Family A simply gorgeous biennial easily grown from seed. Usually seen along fence rows. A show stopper in the garden.

Antelope-horns Milkweed

Antelope-horns Milkweed

Asclepias asperula Milkweed Family These bloom in spring and fall. One of the best plants for the Monarchs.

Prairie Blazing Star

Prairie Blazing Star

Liatris pycnostachya Perennial - Aster Family The prairie plants bloom late August here and are plentiful if we have early summer rain. The bulbs are commercially available and will bloom earlier.

Brazilian Rock Rose

Leavenworth's Eryngo

Eastern Purple Coneflower

Cowpen Daisy

Mealy Cup Sage Bicolor

Western Ironweed

Prairie Coneflower

False Sunflower

Texas Frog Fruit

Texas Frog Fruit

Goldsturm Blackeyed Susan

Rock Rose

Henry Duelberg Sage

Lanceleaf Blanketflower

Starry Rosinweed

Sanguin Purple Coneflower




Leavenworth's Eryngo Green Phase

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